“Vernal Workshops” brought together a number of key professionals, artists and academics working in the realm of architecture, design and art. The program, which is established within the sponsorship of Vitra, aimed at fostering an interdisciplinary exchange and production within an international platform.
This year, I have worked with Tim Parsons to conduct a workshop on Imperfection.
Imperfectionism – The Craft of the Imperfect
This workshop explored the idea of imperfection through a hands-on approach to making, mediated by a set of theoretical questions. We worked directly with Istanbul’s production capabilities to make objects that embody the participators reaction to the following:
What meanings are expressed by imperfection? What is its value as a metaphor in object-making today?
How does introducing imperfection impact upon those involved in the process of making? What is the difference between introducing / revealing imperfection in a hand-made object, compared to a machine-made one? How can it be a liberating
rather than a de-skilling influence?
What value is there in enabling freedom in how materials are formed, instead of controlling every detail? Can imperfection help to teach people about HOW something is made, bringing them closer to the object emotionally?

Pewter Drip Movie
Workshop videos, video 1, video 2 (timelapsed).